Contact us

Ready, prepared, get answers

We are always ready to help, so don't hesitate to contact us. You are more than welcome to call or write if you need help, whether it concerns products, the webshop or something else entirely. If you have questions about the contents of the products, you can easily see all the ingredients in the various products in the section "Contents and ingredients" under each product.

"Good enough" is not good enough

We are constantly striving to improve and innovate, which is why we would love to hear your opinion. If you have feedback and ideas for improvements, or if you should have a complaint, please contact us either by phone , email , Facebook or Instagram .

You are also very welcome to write a review and give us a rating on Facebook . If you think there is information missing on our website, please let us know so we can improve. We want to provide the best service and have a good dialogue with everyone who is interested in our products. That's why we appreciate all the feedback we can get.

danish pharmaceutical industry as
Dam Enge 4, 3660 Stenløse, Denmark
CVR: 10224675
Telephone: +45 44 86 05 50

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